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1. You Were Dead in Your Transgressions and Sins (Ephesians 2: 1)
(1) Everyone is a sinner before God
Prayer: Dear heavenly Father, we are
really grateful that you even sought us out in this vast universe. Lord, we
truly long to know you better and better; and we are eager to be on the path
that pleases you, that is, the way of the cross. Lord, we respectfully offer to
you our willingness to renew our minds so that we no longer live but Jesus
Christ lives in us; even though our common sense and reasoning tell us to live
by ourselves; “our foolishness” makes us live by ourselves; and indeed, there
are so many excuses drive us to live by ourselves. But I thank you Lord,
because now that we have sincerely offered our minds to you, I trust that you
will gradually do your work to destroy all strongholds in us; to conquer all
prideful things in us that can prevent others from knowing God; and to reclaim
our minds so that they are submissive to Christ. Hallelujah, thank you Lord, in
Jesus’ name we pray, amen.
If we hope to come before the One and Only true God, the most
basic requirement is that we must know our God; know the salvation plan he had
accomplished for the world; and know what he requires of us. Otherwise, we
might be misled by heresies or fall into the trap of “relying on our own efforts
to do good deeds.”
Describe how you
can know there is God in the universe from his general revelation?
Speaking of knowing God, we must first know that Christianity
is a religion of revelation. Many religions in this world stem from “man
seeking God,” except the one we believe in, Jesus Christ -- “It is God who seeks
What is
“revelation”? Revelation is God removing what was keeping us from seeing and
making himself visible to us. God is spirit, so if he doesn’t reveal himself we
won’t be able to know him. Brothers and sisters, this point is too important to
just gloss over. The reason we often ask many rhetorical questions about the
Bible is because we don’t know God. We live our lives relying on our own
intellectual reasoning and analysis rather than by accepting God’s revelation.
God has revealed himself to us and only through his revelation we have come to
know him. Only through his revelation we have come to realize that we all have
the inborn sinful nature … , otherwise, we have no way of knowing these things.
What is “general
revelation”? General revelation refers to those “facts” that we all can attain
using our knowledge alone and don’t need to believe in Jesus first. These facts
can lead us to believe that God exists.
What does the
general revelation entail? In Romans 1: 18-20, we can see the three
aspects of God’s general revelation: (1) from “you get what you deserve”, (2)
from the creation of Nature, and (3) God has made it plain for us to know about
him in our heart. The Chinese are especially fond of talking about “you get
what you deserve,” – don’t be a bad person for you’ll get what you deserve
later! I am sure you have no issue with this point. Likewise, I don’t think
you will have any issue with the creation of Nature since we all can see God’s
work of wonder – whether it’s the four seasons, or the birds of the air, or the
creatures of the land, or the fish of the sea, etc. If we observe and think
through carefully then we must admit that there is a supernatural power that
creates and oversees all of these.
How does one know
in his heart that God exists? What does it mean by “since what may be known
about God is plain to them”? (Romans 1: 19)
Conscience: What
is conscience? Someone put it very well, “Conscience is the invisible
legislature in our heart.” Who establishes and manages this legislature? Isn’t
it God? Many people say, “I don’t believe there are gods or ghosts and I try to
live my life with a clear conscience. When the day comes I believe I won’t be
sent to hell.” They just said they didn’t believe in the existence of gods or
ghosts so why are they still worrying about being sent to hell? And who has the
power to send them there? The fact that we all have a conscience illustrates
that there is God.
We all have
religious instinct in us: When there are no issues in your life you would say
that there is no god and you don’t need god. But when you encounter emergencies
or are wronged then you would just cry out naturally, “Oh God, you know the
truth and I trust that you will right the wrongs for me.”
We can never be
satisfied: Ecclesiastes 3: 11 talks about when God created men he put
eternity in the hearts of men, that is to say when we were created God has set
aside a place in us to hold “eternity” or “eternal life.” Men can have true
satisfaction and joy only when they have eternal life (see John 4: 14;
Psalms 16: 11). But our ancestors Adam and Eve did not choose
to have eternal life; therefore our hearts can never be satisfied. When men’s
hearts are not satisfied it leads to many sinful deeds. We even attempt to use
external stimulations to seek temporary satisfaction, so we play all day long,
abuse drugs, indulge in alcohol, etc. Only when we have eternal life and our
life is united with God’s life that we may have the ultimate satisfaction that
comes from God.
How do we know
there is only one true God in the universe from God’s special revelation?
The general revelation can only enable us to know somewhere
out there god exists, but we have no way of knowing how many gods there are,
what kind of gods they are, how they are related to us, etc. In order for us to
know God, the true God, he gave us special revelation.
What are God’s
“special revelation”?
God’s special revelation refers to God himself speaking to
men, or showing his works to men.
What are the
concrete contents of the two aspects of special revelation?
God himself
speaking to men: The Bible is the record of God speaking comprehensively and
systematically to the world. Through his own words, God let men know who this
God is in the universe, what his relationship is with men, what his nature is,
and what kind of God he is. God inspired and revealed to over forty authors
over a period of 1,600 years to complete the Bible. Through the Bible, God told
the world that there is only one true God who is the Trinity of the Father, the
Son and the Holy Spirit. The general revelation tells us there is god while the
special revelation – the Bible, tells us that he is the One and Only true God.
Therefore, we should never just stay at the point of thinking somewhere there is
a god and there are many ways to go before this god as long as we pray. No,
absolutely not. What we believe in is the One and Only true God.
God himself
showing his works to men: The most significant work God showed to men is that
he sent his only Son to be born into this world, to be a member of the human
race, to accomplish the salvation plan, and to bring men to God. We will
discuss this in detail in future lessons.
From God’s special revelation what can we learn about God’s nature?
Through the Bible
– the record of God speaking comprehensively and systematically to the world –
we can learn the nature of this One and Only true God: He is just, he does not
leave the guilty unpunished; he is holy, without holiness no one can see the
Lord. But he is also a loving God, he so loves the world that he wants them to
come before him; he is the source of life, it pleases him to grant us eternal
life. Once we have eternal life we will have the joy of fullness and
everlasting blessings. This eternal God has the absolute sovereignty. He is
omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. He is the “I Am Who I Am” and
everlasting God.
Through the Bible
– the record of God speaking comprehensively and systematically to the world –
we learn of the path by which a sinner can come before this holy God. This God
of absolute authority loves men so he prepared a plan for us, i.e.
“righteousness through faith”, or the plan of being “justified by faith.” God
also prepared a salvation plan for men, that is, he offered his Son as a
sacrifice to bear all our sins and thus paved the way for us to go before God.
This salvation plan was revealed to the world through the Bible. Hebrews 1:
1-2 says, “In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets
at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by
his Son …” “In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophet
at many times and in many ways” that is how the Bible come to exist. “He
has spoken to us by his Son” points to the fact that he has given his Son to
us. So Jesus came to this world with two missions, one was to introduce the
Father God to us, to make him known to us – “No one has ever seen God, but
the only Son, who is at the Father’s side, has made him known.” His other
mission was to complete the salvation plan on the cross and became the way
between men and God; so that through our believing in Jesus (faith) we may come
before God. We are all blinded by our sins so we cannot find the way to God.
Only if God himself completes this way for us and also gives us the Holy Spirit
to work inside us, we are able to get on the path of the new life.
What is the
relationship between general revelation and special revelation?
Through general revelation
we know that god exists, however, only through special revelation can we know
that there is only one true God. What we believe is not just that somewhere,
somehow there is a god, but rather we believe there is a One and Only true God –
our Lord. He is the only triune true God of the Father, the Son, and the Holy
Why are there many
religions in the world?
Why are there many
religions in the world? From Romans 1: 18-20 we know the general
revelation of God causes us to believe that somewhere there is a god. Whether
you are a believer or not, whenever you set foot in a church or temple you will
naturally feel in awe and dare not touch anything for fear of offending God or
spirit. It is out of our reverence for supernatural power that we have the
desire to seek God. But because of our sins we are separated from God and our
knowledge about God through the general revelation is fuzzy at best and in error
at worst. Consequently, we end up worshiping many gods and forming many
different religions.
All religions
share a basic common theme: they all recognize that there is a “god” with
transcendent power that we should be in awe and fear of him; we all don’t
measure up to this god’s high standard so we must through our efforts to do
good, to practice self-denial or other ways of atonement so that we can live in
harmony with this supernatural power, enjoy his protection and receive
blessings. In reality, how we can atone our sins, i.e. how we can restore our
relationship with God, is up to God. We have no right or power to determine our
method of atonement. Since we are all sinners and sinners are not capable of
true understanding of our God and therefore we cannot find the way of
What is the
fundamental reason that prevents us from going before God?
The fundamental reason
that prevents us from going before God is sin. Because God is holy so if we are
without holiness we can’t see the Lord, thus sin prevents us from knowing God
and from going before God.
Romans 1: 20 –
2: 29 touch upon which two aspects of sin?
In Romans 1: 20 – 2: 29 Paul discussed the
two aspects of sin:
In Chapter 1,
he emphasized sins related to the outwardly visible immoral behaviors such as
committing sins on purpose, indulging in lust, and knowing right from wrong and
yet still choosing to do wrong. These are all sins of immorality. There are
also sins of worshiping false gods. Brothers and sisters, idol-worshiping is
also a sin. Some have argued that idol-worshiping is a form of believing that
there is god, but please note that the god these people believe in is not our
One and Only true God. Therefore, these people are making a mistake in not
realizing their own position or identity. If I don’t acknowledge my own father
but instead call other people’s father as my own, then I have committed a sin
against my father for not acknowledging his rightful position. If a person is
willing to wholeheartedly seek the true God, that’s a good thing. There are
some brothers and sisters among us who have friends practicing Buddhism or other
religions. If you want to preach the gospel to them then you should avoid
rejecting their belief right off the bat by saying, “You are wrong!” We should
first tell them the “right belief” that we believe in. What we believe in is
the One and Only true God who wants us to have eternal life. What we believe in
is not the superficial protection for safety or healing of illnesses, because
even with those things you are still going to die someday, you still don’t have
eternal life. That’s why we must truly believe in the God that can give us
eternal life.
Romans 1: 27
specifically mentions about men committing indecent acts with other men that
Bible scholars generally believe is referring to homosexuality. In God’s court,
homosexuality is considered to be a major sin, it is despised by God. According
to the Bible, the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by
God because of their sins of homosexuality were so grievous that the outcry
against them had reached God. At the same time, God treasured Lot who
was greatly saddened by Sodom and Gomorrah’s immorality and was
grieving for them daily. So God spared Lot from the destruction. Do we
grieve, like Lot, for the many evil, sinful deeds we see around us
today? Nowadays some places have legalized homosexuality and same sex marriage;
this is indeed a grave sin against God. I truly pray and ask the Holy Spirit to
let us have the heart of Jesus Christ, open our hearts so that we may truly
grieve for our sins.
In Charter 2,
Paul was speaking to those who are self-professed to be of high morality,
willing to abide by the law and to live by their conscience. (Those who do not
have the law will not be judged by the law but are judged by whether their inner
nature follows their conscience to do the requirements of the law.) Those who
are persistent in doing good will receive eternal life. But no one can claim
that he has never sinned, there is none. No one can say that he has always been
living by conscience, there is none either. Regardless whether it is your
outwardly visible moral behavior or your inner thoughts, no one is able to say
that he has lived by the law, by the conscience and has never sinned.
What is Paul’s
final conclusion about the world’s sins against God?
In Romans 3: 10-12, 23
Paul wrote his final conclusion on the sins of the world: “As it is
written, there is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who
understands, no one who seeks God. All have turned away, they have together
become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one. … for all have
sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” These two passages of scripture
state that we all have sinned and are short of God’s standards; none of us are
righteous before God. This is just like what Isaiah 53: 6 says, “We
all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way.”
Brothers and sisters, dear friends, when you stand before God, no matter whether
it’s your outer visible actions or your inner thoughts, although you may think
you have lived by the law but in reality there are no one righteous, not even
one; we have all turned to our own ways, like sheep that have gone astray.
We must understand God’s
absolute holiness and righteousness, so that we may realize that we are
sinners. Right now, in our heads we know that we are all sinners; later on as
our spiritual lives grow, more and more we will realize in our hearts that we
are indeed sinners. As a matter of fact, only when we have a better
understanding of how sinful we are can our new life grow more mature.
Prayer: Lord, we truly thank you. You are the One and Only true God in the
universe. You are a God of holiness, love, righteousness, and absolute
sovereignty. Oh Lord, we thank you for your love for the world. You not only
through general revelation let us know that there is a God, but also through
special revelation let us know that you are the One and Only true God. You not
only show us that we are sinners, but also tell us how you want to save us and
grant us this path so that we may come before you. Thank you Lord, may glories
be unto you. We pray in Jesus’ name! Amen.